“I’ve been taking care of this turkey for about 15 weeks or so,” said 4H member Lauren Blon about the grand champion turkey she brought to auction at the 2017 Belmont County Fair.
Ultimately, all her hard work and dedication paid off in a big way.
“Thanks, Gateway Royalty, for buying my grand champion market turkey,” Lauren said. “The money I made off of my turkey I can put in my saving account and save it for college.”
Along with just having a ton of fun attending the fair every year and bidding at the auction, Gateway believes it’s important to support these kids and the local community we serve.
“We’ve been here in Ohio for five years and we’re definitely a part of the community,” said Brandon Grace, a mineral and royalty buyer for Gateway. “That’s why we like to come out—to give back and help them out along the way because the landowners and the community haven been very good to us over the last five years.“
A great reason to work with Gateway is we’re not a deal-flipping company, which allows landowners to get the best possible price from us. We’re proudly located in Ohio, we’re here to stay, and we’re a long-term investor.
If you received a letter or postcard from Gateway Royalty, please give us a call. We’d love to speak with you.