February weather in Ohio is better suited for ice skating than swimming, but at this year’s Brr! for a Cure in Lake Milton, Ohio the Gateway Royalty team chose the latter.
Hosted by the American Cancer Society, Brr! for a Cure raises money to support Relay for Life and other Cancer Society events. Brandon Grace and Todd Diehl represented Gateway among hundreds of other participants.
For Todd Diehl, Gateway Royalty’s support for this event is personal.
“We all know someone that’s dealt with cancer, themselves or with their families,” said Diehl. “It’s always good to do what you can to raise money.”
Todd and Brandon were among hundreds of participants who dove in groups into the frigid waters of Lake Milton. Because the lake was frozen over, the brave jumpers used a hole carved in the ice by members of the Milton Township Volunteer Fire Department.
Even though the jump was shockingly cold, Brandon Grace was happy to support the American Cancer Society’s cause.
“It was a great experience,” said Grace. “We’ll try to be back next year.”