Gateway Royalty broke records last week at the 2015 Carroll County Fair!
Matt Borland has been a part of 4H since the second grade, and this year his Grand Champion Carcass Hog went to Gateway Royalty for a record-setting $29/lb.
Matt says the money he made will go towards all his college expenses.
“I’m going to be a sophomore this year at Ohio Northern University, I’m studying Pharmacy, so I’ve got quite a few years left and all my money is going to go towards school.”
Royalty Buyer Blaine Grace says the fair is one of Gateway Royalty’s favorite events to be at for the year.
“These kids work year-in, year-out on their animals and it’s a lot work ethic and dedication to what their doing and it’s just a small way we can give back.”
Check back here for more updates on what we did at the Carroll County Fair.