Brianna Ramsey has been raising turkeys and bringing them to the Belmont County Fair for the past three years, but this year Brianna couldn’t show her turkey due to an illness.
“This year none of the 4-H members who raised turkeys were able to bring them to the fair because of the avian flu.”
All the 4-H members who weren’t able to bring their birds to the fair, were still able to participate in the auction by bringing posters about their bird.
“Instead of bringing my bird to the fair, I brought a poster to educate the people about the flu.”
Gateway Royalty was happy to help recognize the 4-H members for their hard work even without having their animal at the fair.
“A lot of the kids that put their hard work into raising their birds unfortunately could not show their animal this year due to an illness, so it’s cool for us to be able to support these kids because they still put the time into being here as well.”